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Symbios™ Handset

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Symbios System

** Please refer to "System/Set" for Package order**

Discover our precision-crafted gear that adapts to your underwater journey. Our Symbios handset features a sleek, ultra-slim design that fits comfortably for any diver, regardless of hand size. With easy-to-use controls and tactile-response buttons, it's effortless to operate, even with gloves on. Enjoy our top-notch display, equipped with a hybrid transflective color screen that offers great visibility and power efficiency in any light.

Quantity :

- Industry-leading wireless technology receives wide-ranging data sources from RB, DPV, HP, GPS/Positioning systems, Trim and more.
- Vibration, alerts,
- Rechargeable battery.
- Multi-gas, OC, fixed or integrated CCR, Integrated Sidemount, Gauge.
- Number of gas option, 5 OC/CC.
- Buddy Screen, Large-format screen options
- Screen Resolution, 320 x 240.
- Handset Dimension, 94.4 x 63 x 19.8 mm³.

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