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Men's Arctic Top 男装上衣 *New version新款*

Drysuit Undergarment 干衣底衣

Redesigned for 2024, the Arctic’s two layers of high insulation, low bulk fabric ensure exceptional levels of thermal protection.

Now with 80% recycled polyester in the outer and 100% recycled polyester in the internal layer, the Arctic undersuit system also becomes part of our mission to become OceanPositive.

Constructed with comfort and utility in mind, the minimalist design provides outstanding performance under drysuits. In a layering system, the Arctic is suited for use underneath neoprene, membrane and trilaminate suits. Using a
unique combination of fast wicking, high insulation fabrics, the Arctic creates a micro-climate around the diver, keeping the body dry and warm. A high density inner fleece provides superior insulation, with maximum comfort and wicking, whilst the outer layer, which has a water-repellent finish, ensures a snug fit.

Size Chart

The Arctic requires less loft to perform due to more effective management of air which is held in the fibres of the suit. Instead of maximising the thickness of the layer of air near the skin, the Arctic minimises the movement of air within, reducing the rate of cooling without any risk of trapping the air and preventing its release from the dump valve.

The 2024 redesign is more than just producing a more OceanPositive product. It builds on more than 20 years expe- rience in developing thermal garments and the feedback from some of the many thousands of users of the original Arctic in the field. The Arctic top now features a full length zip allowing easier donning and greater adjustability during the surface interval, and the dropped height of the neck line ensures that there is not too much bulk around the neck. The addition of pockets and pre-drilled p-valve routing complement the modifications to the pattern to improve fit and therefore the overall thermal performance.

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