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Fourth Element Seeker Mask (面镜)

Mask and accessories 面镜于配件

Experience unparalleled visibility on your next dive with the frameless Seeker Mask,
featuring a wide lens that provides a near-natural field of view in all directions as you immerse yourself in the underwater world.

The Seeker is designed with a specially crafted face seal, which is universally flattering and ensures a perfect fit for a diverse range of face shapes. The soft silicone moulds to your face for optimal comfort, with a stylish embossed fourth element logo that gives it a quality finish.

Size Chart

Available in three skirt colours, blue, grey and black. The black skirt has two lens options, Clarity, with a pure-clear lens, and Contrast for temperate waters. Each mask comes with a silicone strap and is compatible with fourth element recycled elastic straps. It is presented in a low profile, protective case that also fits easily into a fin pocket for added convenience.
Get ready to explore the underwater world like never before with our cutting-edge diving mask.

- Unparalleled visibility with a wide lens that provides an expansive field of view in all directions.
- Perfect fit for diverse face shapes with a specially designed face seal.
- Two lens options - Clarity and Contrast.
- Optimal comfort with a soft silicone face seal that moulds to your face.
- Universally flattering and secure fit across a range of face shapes.
- Compatible with our fourth element recycled elastic straps.
- Durable protection and easy storage with a low profile case.

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