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Asia Edition - Women's SIPADAN 3mm Leggings 女装 3mm 湿式潜水紧身裤

Wetsuit 湿衣

A two piece wetsuit inspired by the classic designs worn by the early pioneers of diving, given a modern edge to bring it into the 21st century. Designed for versitility, easy donning and doffing and high comfort for the wearer, the Sipadan is the ultimate wetsuit for warm water divers. Seals have been integrated into the zip guard, wrist, ankles and inner waistband, limiting water flushing, keeping the wearer warmer for longer. The stealth black exterior has been highlighted by subtle silicone chest printing and contrasting wrist and ankle bands giving this suit a retro look, whilst the interior of the jacket features thermal linings and a combination of silicone wrist and ankle seals and Smoothskin to bring new technology to keep the wearer warm.

Size Chart

A two piece wetsuit inspired by the classic designs worn by the early pioneers of diving, given a modern edge to bring it into the 21st century. Designed for versatility, easy donning and doffing and high comfort for the wearer, the Sipadan is the ultimate wetsuit for warm water divers.

- 3mm high stretch neoprene
- High waist
- Deep waistband with Smoothskin lining against the skin providing a seal
- Abrasion resistant knee prints
- Silicone printed seals on inner ankles

1 review for Shoes Air Jordan

By Alena Studio - November 25, 2017

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